

The second online meeting of project participants was held.

Uzbekistan is making rapid strides towards solar energy. As a result of the ongoing reforms, the share of solar energy in the energy capacity of the Republic is increasing. With these words, The second online meeting of the international project "Development of the targeted Educational program for Bachelors in Solar Energy in Uzbekistan (DEBSEUz)" has started as part of the ERASMUS+ Higher Education Capacity Building projects in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi, 7 of our republic and 3 of the European Union - Italy's Politecnico di Torino University, Portugal's Universidade de Evora University, Spain's Universidad Politecnica.

Among the main issues discussed at the meeting were the discussion of the results of the first training, the management of financial flows and budget, the development of courses for the bachelor's degree, the establishment of innovative laboratories and the purchase of equipment, the discussion of the strategy of quality control and monitoring, and the first national conference of the project. issues were also considered.

Within the framework of the project, it was decided to establish new bachelor's courses on the basis of three universities, including Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Fergana Polytechnic Institute and Karakalpak State University. From this point of view, the opening of a new direction caused heated debates among partners, and the completion of this process was determined in the 2025-2026 academic years.

At the end of the meeting, it was announced that the first conference of the solar energy project will be held on September 27-28, 2024. In order to make this conference a success and to be presented to the general public, it was agreed that the partner universities will carry out propaganda and propaganda work. In general, the meeting was held in a high mood, in a friendly spirit, and will be an impetus for the consistent implementation of the project's further work.

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