
Duration: M12-M30

(Lead: Politecnico Di Torino Co-Leader: ASU)

WP4 will establish a powerful practical base for the implementation of the tasks of the project as well as the subsequent training of students and specialists. Laboratories will be equipped with specialized laboratory technologies utilized in European universities and will serve not only the master students but also researchers and teachers; these labs will include test-stands for testing solar technologies including performance, degradation and maintenance and other related technologies (e.g. inverters, batteries and ect.) . WP4 will establish a strong link between the education, research, training, business and society actors.

Foreseen Outputs:

4.1. Establishment of laboratory rooms at 7 partner universities in Uzbekistan;

4.2. Establishment of 2 training centers functioning on the territory of the created laboratory rooms for training and retraining of specialists which includes 2 leading student and mentor co-working centers focused on projects based on the development and implementation of various solar energy devices;

4.3. Establishment of Engineering Society for Renewable Energy Supply Systems including teachers and graduates of courses;

MS: Pilot bachelor lab classes, gathering of industry professionals.

MI:  Laboratory classes equipped with special tools, Engineering society and training centers normative documents prepared by M24