
Duration: M3-M36

(Lead: TTPU Co-Leader: Polito)

WP5 will ensure the high quality of the project implementation, by monitoring the activities and the outputs, providing recommendations and designing the Sustainability Strategy to assure the achievement of the main goals. A Quality and Risk Management Plan will be elaborated by monitoring the process leading to the outputs.

Foreseen Outputs:

5.1. Definition of Quality Control and Monitoring strategy and tools (M3-M12).

5.2. 4 internal evaluation reports and 3 by the independent evaluator. (M12, M18, M24, M30)

– MS: Quality Plan; Quality Assurance Manual (QAM); Monitoring methodology and reports, evaluation from the external expert; Sustainability Plan.

– MI: Quality Plan Ready By M4; QAM ready by M6; 2 internal quality reports per year; 3 quality reports from the external expert, one per year; Sustainability Plan ready by M18; Impact evaluation by M26.