
Duration: M1-M36

(Lead: FerPI Co-Leader: KSU)

WP6 focuses on project dissemination activities. Different measures are planned in order to disseminate the information to the different target groups (students, university governance, companies, policy makers, health operators and technologists).

Foreseen Outputs:

6.1. Dissemination and Sustainability strategy, production of dissemination material (M4-M12)

6.2. Workshops, Seminars and Meetings (M6-M30);

6.3. Publishing the results (M12-M30);

6.4. Organization of an annual conference on solar energy and educational processes related to this industry (M12-M36);

6.5. Awareness arising on the new Bachelors developed by the universities in cooperation with enterprises and dissemination of new competence to other institutions (M10-M30).

6.6. Project logo and web site development and maintenance (M6-M36)

– MS: Communication Plan; logo and dissemination materials; DEBSEuz website; National Events; Final Conference

– MI: Communication Plan agreed by M10; logo and website ready by M6; 3 newsletters issued; 2 National Events by M16 and M30; Final Conference together with the last SC meeting.