
Jizzax politexnika instituti

Web sayt: https://www.jizpi.uz/

Jizzax politexnika instituti chinakam mustaqil avlod. Jizzax politexnika instituti 1992-yilda Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 1992-yil 28-fevraldagi va 1992-yil 11-martdagi 125-sonli Farmoniga asosan Toshkent arxitektura-qurilish institutining Jizzax filiali, 1992-yilda Toshkent arxitektura-qurilish institutining Jizzax filiali tashkil etilgan. Toshkent kimyo-texnologiya instituti va Toshkent avtomobil-yoʻl instituti Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va oʻrta maxsus taʼlim vazirligining tarkibiy boʻlinmasi hisoblanadi. Ular yuqori malakali kadrlar tayyorlashning yuqori samarali tizimini joriy etish uchun barcha raqamli vositalarni sinovdan o‘tkazadilar, shu bilan birga ushbu tizim texnik mutaxassislar (jumladan, turli soha va tarmoqlar), professor-o‘qituvchilar (jumladan, turli soha va tarmoqlar), professor-o‘qituvchilar (jumladan, turli soha va tarmoqlar) qiziqishlarini jalb qilgan holda o‘rta maktabning innovatsion xarakterini belgilaydi. o'qituvchilar) va talabalar, olimlar va tadqiqotchilar loyiha tomonidan yaratiladigan mustahkam uslubiy asoslar orqali. Tarqatish va Barqarorlik faoliyati bo'yicha WP rahbari sifatida loyiha natijalari va mahsulotlarini targ'ib qilish va tarqatish bo'yicha ishlab chiqiladigan tashabbuslarni muvofiqlashtiradi.

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Web page:  www.tuit.uz                                                                                                                                           

TUIT is the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (former Tashkent Electrotechnical Institute  of  Communications) was founded  in  1955. On  May 30, 2002, in  accordance  with  the  Decree  №  3080  of   the  President  of the  Republic of Uzbekistan,  it  was  renamed  into  the  Tashkent  University  of  Information  Technology. On June 2, 2005, according to the resolution  №  91  by  the  President  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  regional  branches  of  TUIT  were  formed  in  Karshi, Samarkand,  Urgench,  and  Fergana  cities. On  March 26, 2013, in accordance with Resolution № 1942 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On improvement the system of personnel training  in  the field of information and communication technologies", in recent years number of events has being held to  improve the system at the level of international standards on training highly qualified specialists in the field of ICT.

There  are  13  faculties, 62  departments, 23  directions  of  education,  including 8 new  directions  of  bachelor’s and 9 new master’s specialties in the structure of the University and in  its  regional  filial  branches. In  total,  there are 10242  students, including 9858  bachelor  students  and  384 masters. Over  the last year 1 student has won the President Scholarship of the Republic   of   Uzbekistan,  5   State   scholarship   students, there  are  32  students,  who  won  the  Communication   fields Scholarship, and 44 students with scholarship prizes at the national Olympiads and competitions respectively. The university has 780 professor-teachers, including 204 candidates of sciences and associate professors. Teachers with scientific degrees are 31% of the total number.

University  has  established  cooperation  with 26  foreign  countries  (such as South Korea, Japan, Germany, France,  India) 42 universities, 8  research  centers, 12  companies  and  organizations.  In recent  years,  there   16  teaching   laboratories, 9 computer  classrooms,  4 education  centers the Uzbek- Indian Center of Information Technologies, Uzbek-Korean Center for Information  Technologies, "Plaza"  Uzbek-Korean  Center,  regional academic center "CISCO" have been formed. Indian Uzbek-Indian Center of  Information  Technologies  after  the  name  J.Neru  has  been  modernized  with  grant funds of 500 thousand US dollars.

A variety of information systems have been introduced into the process of management of the university and the educational process. In particular, the "Dean's office" electronic program www.decanat.tuit.uz  and the  System  Executive  Discipline and Electronic document  exchange  wwww.dcs.tuit.uz  In 2014/2015 academic year in order to improve the quality of the work of graduate students and master's thesis antiplagiarism system was implemented.

For last three years 490 people studied at the special teacher training courses. On the basis of 71 projects with the total cost of 3.98 billion sums scientific-research work and 126 projects worth 2.25  billion  sums  of agricultural work carried out on the basis of a contract with enterprises.

Politecnico Di Torino

Web page: https://www.polito.it/

Established in 1859, POLITO is the oldest technical University in Italy and one of the most prestigious public institutions in Italy for education and research in engineering, architecture and design. Ranking among the first forty technical universities in the world, it is globally recognized as a high-quality centre for education and research. At POLITO around 1.000 Professors and Researchers carry out research and provide education to 37.000 students, of which more than 5.000 international from more than 120 countries, on a wide catalogue of degree courses including 16 PhD courses and 30 MSc courses, of which 60% in English. Its international education network features 1.000 agreements with EU and non-EU universities and international campuses in China and Uzbekistan. POLITO’s experience in European projects is in research as well as international mobility and cooperation in programmes such as Horizon 2020, FP6-7, Erasmus+, LLP, Erasmus Mundus, TEMPUS, EuropeAid. Throughout the years POLITO has proved to be one of the top Italian universities for volume of international collaborations and quality of the results achieved. POLITO is currently participating in 6 Erasmus+ CBHE projects.

University of Evora

Web page: https://www.uevora.pt/en

The University of Évora (Universidade de Évora) is a public university in Évora, Portugal. It is the second oldest university in the country, established in 1559 by the cardinal Henry, and receiving University status in April of the same year from Pope Paul IV, as documented in his Cum a nobis papal bull. Running under the aegis of the Society of Jesus (also known as Jesuits) meant that the university was a target of the Marquis of Pombal's Jesuit oppression, being closed down permanently in 1779 and its masters either incarcerated or exiled.

It was reopened nearly two hundred years later in 1973 as Instituto Universitário de Évora (University Institute of Évora) by decree of the Minister of Education, José Veiga Simão, in the site of the older university, as part of a set of education policies during the early 1970s that were attempting to reshape Portuguese higher education. Six years later, in 1979, the name was changed to Universidade de Évora.


The University of Évora is one of the universities belonging to the Portuguese public higher education system. As such, its mission involves:

• The production of knowledge through scientific and artistic research, experimentation and technological and humanistic development;

• The socialization of knowledge, providing the traditional student population, as well as the working population, with academic qualification through undergraduate, master's and doctoral courses, ad hoc  training courses and informal training throughout life;

• The transmission of knowledge to the community, fostering innovation and business competitiveness, the modernization of public services, as well as the social and cultural development of the broader community.


The University of Évora adopts the principle of the free “inquiry” as defined by Henri Poincaré, in the pursuit of the tasks arising from its mission:

“Thinking must never submit itself, neither to a dogma, nor to a party, nor to a passion, nor to an interest, nor to a preconceived idea, nor to anything whatsoever , if not to facts themselves, because for it to submit to anything else, would be the end of its existence.”

Moreover, the University of Évora's intrinsic values are:

• Respect for human dignity;

• Academic freedom;

• Individual merit;

• The rigor in the execution of any tasks;

• The democracy underlying the decision;

• The absence of social, ethnic or confessional discrimination.

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Web page: https://www.upm.es/

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is the country’s largest technical university, and an influential European higher education institution. The UPM stands out for its intensive research activity, its internationally accredited and recognized academic excellence, and its interweaving into the fabric of national and international industry. Around 40,000 students are on our 4+1 university campuses distributed across the city of Madrid. UPM also has research centers and institutes where research groups are working on many projects that also serve to train our students at the cutting edge of their fields and where they participate in the generation of new knowledge. UPM is acknowledged to be one of the best 75 global universities for engineering and architecture and ranks within the world’s top 94 in terms of employability. UPM is a public university committed to and working towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set up by the United Nations General Assembly. The UPM leads the EELISA European Universities alliance. EELISA brings together a higher education community of over 180,000 students, 16,000 academic, and 11,000 administrative and service staff that will benefit from the initiatives developed across this new European network. EELISA also aspires to transform higher education and play a key role in the search for solutions to the social and environmental challenges facing European society today. UPM Facts and Figures: 16 schools, 1 faculty and 1 affiliated college, 2,900 teaching staff and researchers, 30,000 undergraduate students (2020/21), 6,500 master students (2019/20),  2,000 PhD students (2020/21), Budget of 400 M€, 55 accredited bachelor degree programs, 95 accredited master degree programs, 18 accredited combined bachelor and master degree programs, 44 accredited PhD programs, 238 UPM academic programs (executive master, expert specialization and lifelong training programs), 96 double degree program agreements with international universities, 2,500 agreements with international universities, International exchanges by over 1,800 UPM students every year, 19 cooperation for development groups, 6,500 work placements in 2020/21, 17 sports clubs, 160 student associations,  202 research groups, Funding of 39 M€ from regional, national and international projects (2017), Funding totaling 242.6 M€ from projects with industry from 2008 to 2018, 75 university-industry partnerships, 292 supported start-ups since 2004 with a three-year survival rate of over 70%, 293 H2020 project awards to date, including 112 projects coordinated by the UPM, UPM is a core partner of the EIT Digital, Health, Raw Materials and Climate Knowledge and Innovation Communities, 41 internationally accredited degree programs.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

Web page: https://polito.uz/

TTPU is Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent was established on April 27, 2009 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PP 1106 dated 27.04.2009 and the Agreement between the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JSC Uzavtosanoat and Turin Polytechnic University Politecnico di Torino, Italy dated January 10, 2009 as a higher education institution in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan for implementation of activities aimed at training highly-qualified specialists for the automotive, mechanical engineering and electrical industry, energy industry, companies and organizations of industrial and civil engineering and construction. Politecnico di Torino, Italy created in 1859 and being one of the leading technical universities in Europe, is characterized by an active combination of the educational process with scientific and applied research. It includes 18 faculties and 19 research centers and laboratories, which are the basic research centers of large automotive and other companies.

The opening in Uzbekistan of a new institution of higher education on the basis of such a European university in accordance with generally recognized international requirements also fully met the goals and objectives of the National Training Program for the Republic of Uzbekistan. In addition, other important aims of opening a new university were to attract local teaching staff to the educational process, a continuing education program for professors and teaching staff and the creation of a technology park in the TPUT structure, which will carry out research and applied development, as well as carry out implementation work the results of research on the design of cars, automobile engines, automotive parts, components, tooling, as well as the development of architectural and industrial design, energy-saving technologies, new types of building materials based on local raw materials and modern industrial automated control systems. In order to harmonize the differences between the HE curricula in the two countries (Italy and Uzbekistan), TTPU and POLITO came to the agreement to adopt EU curriculum with some changes made for fitting it into local educational standards. One of them is to introduce additional Preparatory Year to fulfill the Italian requirements for a minimum of 12 years in LE and carry out the most relevant needs in the preparation of incoming students. Existing curricula at TTPU can be applied as a unique experienced in bridging different educational structures and be used for project goals realization.

TTPU graduates will receive double degree diplomas of higher education with the award of the Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) BSc and MSc degree to TTPU students. As stated in the Charter of TTPU Campus, the graduates of TTPU will receive a TTPU diploma according to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and a diploma from POLITO according to the law of the Italian Republic as a consequence of the signature of a Double Degree Agreement between TTPU and POLITO. As is known, machine-building and other industries in Uzbekistan are developing, therefore, specialists in the field of Mechanical engineering, Civil Engineering Information technologies and programming in industry (Computer engineering) will be widely in demand at many enterprises and many organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan. TPUT along with other non-state educational institutions became the owner of the License to carry out educational activities in the field of higher education. This document issued by the authorized State body once again confirmed the University’s right to carry out activities for the training of specialists with higher education in the fields of mechanical engineering, automotive, information systems, construction and architecture. In addition, TPUT was one of the first universities in Uzbekistan being awarded a certificate ISO 9001 for compliance to the quality management system in training of specialists with higher education. Moreover, the university is the one gained the status of University 3:0 for commercialization of knowledge and technology except the educational, scientific and research missions by means of providing the graduates not only with education, but also with the implementation of gained knowledge in their future career. In order to form a model of higher education that combines the main components of the economy in the future, the university is making a step in gaining the status of the University 4:0.  

Fergana Polytechnic Institute

Web page: https://www.ferpi.uz/

FerPI is the Fergana Polytechnic Institute was established by the Resolution No. 533 of May 9, 1963 of the former Union Council of Ministers and No. 251 of June 14, 1967 and No. 251 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was established on the basis of orders No. 330 of August 21. Currently, 14,768 students are studying at the institute in 2 shifts and more than 500 professors are teaching them. Specialists are being trained in 18 fields of study in 38 undergraduate and graduate departments in 8 faculties, which include 31 departments of the institute. The number of classrooms in the material and technical base of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute is 196. A total of 1,244 computers are installed in 22 computer rooms at the institute, and 995 of them are connected to the Internet. The institute has a dining complex with 400 seats and 3 cafeterias with 70 seats. The institute has 5 student residences, where more than 1900 students live. The institute has 24 doctors of science, 144 candidates of science (PhD) and 8 famous scholarship students.

There is a need to integrate the sphere of IT technologies, biotechnologies with renewable energy sources. At the same time, the creation of training programs related to clean energy for Uzbekistan is a priority task for the development and effective use of transport, engineering and communication, social infrastructure and the creation of a new high-tech industry that ensures deep greening of the environment as a whole.

High priority is given to activities-designed to bring about improvement in the performance of industries:

•Stimulating industrial personnel-a partnership approach.

•Identifying the present day requirements for professionals.

•Distributing technical developments through informal education techniques.

•Training personnel's through ongoing education programm.

•Publishing and issuing technical bulletins and course material of developments.

Andizhan State University

Web page: https://adu.uz/en

Andizhan State University (ASU) as High Educational Institution has Undergraduate programs in 48 directions, Graduate/master programs in 13 specialty, Postgraduate and Doctoral programs in 7 specialties. It has 8 faculties, total number of employees: 1000, The teaching staff is about 740 persons, including 1 academician, 30 professors, 32 Doctors of Science, 206 candidates of science ore PhD and associate professors. Number of students: 20750. In Physics department work 4 Professors and 14 associated professors in Semiconductor Physics and Renewable energy. Scientific works on renewable energy and Photovoltaic’s are carrying out. Students of bachelor degrees are trained on physics and Renewable energy. Since 2018 Masters Programme on Renewable energy sources and sustainability environment doctorate programme in Semiconductor Physics functioned. At university the reviewed scientific Journal "Scientific bulletin of ASU" since 2006 is published. ASU has cooperation with: 1) Scientific-Production Association "Physics-Solar" of Uz Academy sciences. 2) LLC “MIR-SOLAR” and "Optik" on Silicon Solar Panel production. 3) ISEI. ASU has participated in series of successful projects under TEMPUS and Erasmus+. Academic exchanges, joint researches and joint educational programs are implemented in the framework of 4 international agreements with institutions from Europe and Asia.

Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers

Web page: https://tiiame.uz

The date of establishment of the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" was 1923, when the engineering and reclamation faculty was opened on the basis of the hydrotechnical department of the Turkestan State University. In 1929, on the basis of the Faculty of Engineering and Land Reclamation, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Water Management were opened, and the Central Asian Cotton Growing and Irrigation Polytechnic Institute was established. Currently, more than 5000 students are studying in 18 areas of education at 7 faculties and 15 master's specialties. There are 470 highly qualified teachers at the university, including 50 Doctors of sciences, more than 200 candidates of sciences, who lecture and conduct practical and laboratory classes. The university has four educational buildings, three buildings for conducting educational laboratory classes, modern educational centers, a resource center with a total fund of about 700 thousand items, 3 student hostels for 1200 places, a student canteen for 460 seats. TIIAME NRU has already participated in series of international projects under TEMPUS and Erasmus+. Academic exchanges, joint researches and joint educational programs are implemented in the framework of more than 50 international agreements with institutions from USA, Europe and Asia. 

Karakalpak State University is situated in Nukus city of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, in the far North-West part of the Uzbekistan Republic. Nukus is capital of Republic of Karakalpakstan. Karakalpak State University began its functioning as an educational institution from September 1, 1976. The present days, Karakalpak State University as one of the centers of science, education, upbringing, spirituality, sport and culture, serves for even greater prosperity and development of our Independent Republic University hosts several international and national conferences annually. The campus and meeting halls satisfy all needs of international standards.There are 1092 highly qualified teaching staff educating students at University and also 65 doctorate students, 1023 master’s students and about 25174 undergraduate students.

Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Oliy taʼlim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi Oʻzbekiston Respublikasida oliy va oʻrta maxsus taʼlim sohasini nazorat qiluvchi davlat hokimiyatining vakillik organi hisoblanadi.